ENGINEERs OF DISTINCTION Application Guidelines
Professional Awards will be announced in a variety of media and at an Awards event in early 2025! (Date & Location TBD) General Information and Entry GuidelinesNominees must be actively involved in the practice of engineering. The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) describes engineering as the “application of science,” where real products are built or created from abstract ideas. “Scientists study what is; engineers create what never was.” Basic Criteria
Candidate Eligibility
NOTE: The RES EOY/YEOY/EOD Selection Committee relies upon the nomination and application forms to be thorough and complete. Because of the limited time frame of the assessment/selection process, the Selection Committee is limited to the information presented on the forms. Consequently, if the application form is incomplete, the candidate may not receive proper consideration.
Please be thorough in your documentation of the nominee’s accomplishments, ensuring that you have best described your candidate’s suitability for the award. This will assist the Selection Committee in its holistic evaluation of your candidate.
Necessary Information for the Candidate Evaluation Process:
When you submit the nomination, consider the central question:
What major contribution(s) serve as the basis for this nomination? Please provide specific examples of how the nominee has demonstrated excellence, creativity and initiative in their business and profession, and the value of this contribution to the profession and society. Significant achievement may have involved an invention, a technology transfer, a modification to an existing process, or a new process or product idea that led to increased efficiency, new sales opportunities, cost savings, decreased maintenance, and so forth. This achievement may have consisted of one major identifiable product or process modification. Alternatively, it may have encompassed a series of smaller accomplishments which, when taken together, resulted in a significant advancement and benefit to society. |
hOME OF THE RES!180 Linden Oaks, Suite 100 | Administrative Director Jessie Cocquyt Copyright © Rochester Engineering Society |