Date: November 19, 2015, 8am-5pm
Location: Locust Hill Country Club, Rochester, NY
Project Solvers of America is excited to bring you another great conference event this year! Our focus is on the Project Management Office and we are honored to be featuring our keynote, Dr. Monique Aubrey, Ph.D.. Dr. Aubrey is an internationally recognized expert on PMOs and has published numerous books and papers on this topic, many of which can be found at
In addition we will be bringing in another PMI Conference speaker James Brown, winner of PMI’s PMO of the Year award, Mark Scott from Harris Corporation, a PMI certified OPM3 assessor, Jeff Pikulik of Microsoft Corporation, Audra Gavelis IEC Electronics and Joanne Greene-Blose, President of The Project Solvers. Go to for more information and registration. Sign up early and plan on coming to this exciting event which will be held at Locust Hill Country Club on Thursday, November 19th.
Earn 7 PDUs!
180 Linden Oaks, Suite 100Rochester, NY 14625
Administrative Director
Jessie Cocquytres@frontiernet.net585-586-8030
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