Wednesday, September 21
Illuminating Engineering Society (IES)
1 PDH/CEU or AIA HSW LU Credit
OFF is the new ON: Challenging the Assumptions of Lighting Energy Consumption
Speaker: Kim Mercier, Past President of IESNA
Place: Rick’s Prime Rib, 898 Buffalo Road, Gates
Cost: $30 per person ($40 If credits are needed), includes buffet style lunch.
Reservations: Reservations to Diane Montrois by September 12th, 585-254-8010. Payment by credit/debit card in advance through the ‘Education’ page of the website at Cash/check payment at the door.
180 Linden Oaks, Suite 100Rochester, NY 14625
Administrative Director
Jessie Cocquytres@frontiernet.net585-586-8030
Copyright © Rochester Engineering Society