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MPES/NSPE: Failure Analysis- 1 PDH Credit

  • 14-Nov-2019
  • 5:30 PM
  • RIT Campus Center - Room 2610, Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623
  • 22


  • For Members Only. Guests can be added if Members
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  • For Students only. Guests can be added if Students

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Monroe Professional Engineers Society

A Chapter of the New York State Society of Professional Engineers

Invites you to attend a PDH Course (1 PDH)

 PROGRAM TITLE: Failure Analysis

PRESENTER: Neville W. Sachs, PE

ABSTRACT: Mr. Sachs will discuss and provide information on general failure analysis. Including: 1. Defining the type (root cause analysis, root cause investigation, or component failure analysis) of failure analysis and what the possible savings are in a typical process plant. 2. The procedure(s) used in the component failure investigation and the need to be accurate, if there is to be further analysis.
3. Provide examples of how to approach each of the types of analysis.

ABOUT THE PRESENTER:  A graduate of Stevens Institute of Technology, Mr. Sachs has spent many years deeply involved with maintenance, machinery reliability, and failure analysis.

In the mid-1980’s he joined with Philip Salvaterra to form Sachs, Salvaterra & Associates, Inc. a consulting group providing technical support services directed toward improved plant and machinery reliability.  Then, in 2014 Mr. Sachs returned to private practice.

He has conducted thousands of failure analyses and hundreds of failure analysis classes across North America and Europe and is a frequent speaker for both regional and national programs.  He has written the textbook “Practical Plant Failure Analysis, a Guide to Understanding Machinery Deterioration and Improving Equipment Reliability”, (with a second edition recently published) two other books on specific areas of failure analysis, contributed significant sections to three books by other authors, and has written over seventy technical articles and papers for US and European magazines and journals, primarily on failure analysis and equipment reliability.

A Professional Engineer, he is also an STLE Certified Lubrication Specialist, and has received the RMLA (Rocky Mountain Lift Association) award for Outstanding Contribution to the Ski Industry. In his spare time, he’s a ski patroller and Outdoor Emergency Care instructor. 

Together with his wife, Carol Adamec, an accomplished artist, they thoroughly enjoy skiing, tandem bicycle touring, hiking, kayaking, and ten grandchildren.

Date / Time: Thursday, November 14, 2019 / 5:30pm

Location: RIT Campus Center - Room 2610, 1 Lomb Memorial Dr, Rochester, NY 14623

Cost: (Dinner will be provided) MPES/NSPE Members: $25.00; Non-Members: $30.00; Students: $5.00

(NOTE - If you have members and non-members to register and want to make one payment by credit card send Lynne (email below) the complete contact information on each registrant. She will enter the details online and email the invoice with everyone included.)

Click "Register" to make your reservation. If you need help with the registration email Lynne at res@frontiernet.net

 Questions on the program? Contact Arthur Reardon at 585-455-0121 or artreardon@gmail.com


180 Linden Oaks, Suite 100
Rochester, NY 14625

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Jessie Cocquyt

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