1. How We Hear! (1PDH)Overview: In this session we focus on the sensory cues that are utilized by the human body to interpret sound and where it is coming from. The goal of this session is to provide a general overview of the mechanisms of hearing from an engineering perspective.
Greg T. Gdowski, PhD University of Rochester Center for Medical Technology & Innovation Department of Biomedical Engineering
2. General Information on Acoustic Products
Overview: This Session is a product presentation on acoustical products. Speaker: Richard Lenz Real Acoustix
3. RIT MPT – Design Evolution & Constructability (1 PDH)
Overview: This session will provide an overview of the design of the Rochester Institute of Technology Music Performance Theatre as it relates to acoustics.
Mark A. Maddalina, Principal SWBR Architects Lee Sommerman, Vice President LeChase Construction Tim Williams, Managing Principal Micheal Malten Architecture
Registration is open to anyone. You will need your NYS PE license # to register (or put N/A if not a PE). No guest registrations are allowed so you need to sign up individually!
If you need to change a session choice you will need to contact Lynne Irwin at RES, res@frontiernet.net or call and leave a message at 585-254-2350.
If you have any questions or need help contact Lynne Irwin at res@frontiernet.net or therochesterengineer@gmail (or 585-254-2350 and she will return your call).
180 Linden Oaks, Suite 100Rochester, NY 14625
Administrative Director
Jessie Cocquytres@frontiernet.net585-586-8030
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