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  • 2022 VIRTUAL Engineering Symposium in Rochester

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2022 VIRTUAL Engineering Symposium in Rochester

  • 21-Apr-2022
  • 05-May-2022
  • 3 sessions
  • 21-Apr-2022, 1:00 PM 5:00 PM (EDT)
  • 28-Apr-2022, 1:00 PM 5:00 PM (EDT)
  • 05-May-2022, 1:00 PM 5:00 PM (EDT)
  • Will be Held Virtually - Zoom


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Please fill out registration and choose the days of attendance ($30 each). You can pay by credit card or mail a check to RES (check needs to be received before April 21st).
  • For Presenters at the Symposium Only!
  • For those that registered and paid from 2020. You are scheduled for all 3 dates. If you need to change this contact Lynne at res@frontiernet.net.
  • For the committee members only!

The in-person Symposium has been changed to virtual this year. It will be held on three Thursday's afternoons, April 21, April 28, and May 5th. If you already have a registration and paid from 2020 and want to keep it, you have received instructions to contact the RES. If you did not receive that letter, be sure to contact them. 


Earn up to 9PDHs

sponsored by Rochester's Technical and Engineering Societies and RIT

Thursday, April 21, April 28 and May 5, 2022

Courses available in: Civil, Electrical, Lighting, Mechanical, HVAC, Plumbing...

Program schedule with the details is posted below and will be updated periodically *All are subject to change.

LOCATION: Virtually by Zoom

TIME: 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

COST: $90 for all 3 Dates ($30 for each date - you can choose 1, 2, or all 3 dates)

Registration is open to everyone. No guest registrations are allowed so you need to sign up individually with your email that you will be signing in with! Note that our website is out of Canada, which is international. Be sure you or your company does not block receiving international emails from Canada so you can receive the zoom details. The April 21st Zoom links will be sent ~April 18th, for April 28th they will be send ~April 25th, and for May 5th they will be sent ~May 2nd.

Thursday, April 21, 2022 - Session 1: Civil

1:00 to 2:00 pm

Course 1: Roadside Design, An Overview by Howard Ressel, PE

Abstract: Roadside safety has evolved over the past decades.  As highway usage increased it became clear that run-off-road crashes were exacting an unacceptable economic and social impact on our society.  Concepts and methods have been developed to encourage vehicles to remain on the roadway and vehicle improvements have made crashes more survivable, however run-off-road crashes cannot be entirely prevented. The concept of a clear, recoverable roadside was developed to guide Highway Engineers and improve roadside safety.  For various reasons, it may not be possible to remove all roadside hazards. In this case, they must be shielded to try to avoid the impact or at least reduce the severity of the crash.  This presentation will introduce concepts of roadside design to teach practitioners how to provide economical and practical clear recovery areas, and, when this cannot be achieved, what alternatives can be used to reduce damage or injury to vehicles and passengers who unavoidably run off the road.

2:30 to 3:30 pm

Course 2: Ground Improvement:  A comparison of Aggregate Piers and Rigid Inclusions by John R. Grillo, P.E. and Wendel Armstrong, P.E.

Abstract: A comparison of ground improvement techniques discussing design, analysis, and construction to show how properly designed ground improvement can allow for traditional, cost-effective foundation support. 

4:00 to 5:00 pm

Course 3: Environmental and Regulatory Considerations for Bulk Storage Tank Installations in New York State by Barbara Wagner, PE

Abstract: Petroleum and chemical bulk storage tanks serve vital functions.  They also pose operational, environmental, and regulatory challenges.  This talk covers the evolution of tank system technology following EPA/NYS 1980s regulations and design implications of NYS 2015 regulatory updates.  It will also preview some of the currently proposed “Phase 2” NYS regulatory changes.

Biography: Barbara Wagner designs bulk storage tank systems and prepares petroleum and chemical spill prevention plans for projects including transit facilities, wind farms, manufacturing facilities, emergency service providers, municipal highway departments, waterworks, natural gas compressor stations, and military installations.  She provides inspections and training to assist facilities in implementing their plans.  She co-authored two New York State training manuals and has prepared and delivered associated workshops and exams for petroleum bulk storage inspectors and operators.

Thursday, April 28, 2022 - Session 2: Mechanical

1:00 to 2:00 pm

Course 4: “Lubrication – Today and the Future” by Neville W. Sachs, P.E. 

Abstract: The session will begin with an overview of the three general lubrication regimes.  Then, after several slides showing how elastohydrodynamic lubrication actually occurs, we’ll look at how common hydrocarbon viscosities are measured and how they vary with temperature.  However, today’s lubricants are sophisticated mixtures of base oils and additives, and we’ll review those additives and how they fit into the NLGI’s new classification system for industrial and automotive greases.  Finally, the session will look at how both wind turbines and electric vehicles are forcing changes in the world of lubricant development. 

2:30 to 3:30 pm

Course 5: “Crazy? Lazy? Outer-Spacey? Geoengineering Techniques to Counteract Climate Change” by Bill Bishop

Abstract: Human GHG emissions are not being reduced in time to avoid dangerous climate change. Deliberate intervention in Earth's systems is a potential last resort. Strategies include solar radiation management, such as stratospheric aerosol injection, marine cloud brightening and space mirrors, and carbon dioxide removal, such as reforestation and direct air capture. Techniques are evaluated based on technical feasibility, cost, effectiveness, risk and reversibility. Ethical, political and governance issues are considered.

4:00 to 5:00 pm

Course 6: “Energy Efficient Sustainable IAQ in Commercial Spaces” by Andrew Weidert

Abstract: This presentation will take an in-depth look at how technologies commonly used in Healthcare, Manufacturing, and Cleanrooms to optimize IAQ that can be applied to educational spaces and commercial spaces for an optimal indoor air quality environment in economical and efficient ways. The presentation will answer three questions:   

  1. What are the updated recommended Guidelines by ASHRAE for eACH (Equivalent Air Changes an Hour) in our Educational Spaces?
  2. How does taking a Microenvironment Approach in Educational Spaces improve educational & commercial environments for students and staff?
  3. What does FFU stand for and how does it help maintain indoor air quality and energy efficiency goals?  

Thursday, May 5, 2022 - Session 3: Electrical

1:00 to 2:00 pm

Course 7: "Comprehensive Climate and Energy Solutions for Indoor Cultivation", by Brent Voelker

Abstract: Climate management for indoor controlled agriculture is not a matter of conventional space heating and cooling but should instead be approached as an industrial process control problem.  As part of a suite of technologies, integrated combined heat and power (CHP) – also called cogeneration – minimizes energy costs, reduces carbon footprint, and ensures energy security for maximum competitiveness over the long-term. 

This session will present recent projects that illustrate solutions to the energy challenges of indoor cultivation.  We’ll explain how distributed energy systems, properly integrated with central HVACD systems, reduce total energy consumption through thermal recovery and increase the resiliency of cultivation facilities with onsite power generation.

Biography: Brent Voelker is the Director of Kinsley Energy Systems, responsible for business development, sales and service.  Brent began his career in energy as a nuclear engineer on U.S. Navy submarines.  He has accumulated over 28 years of experience in power generation at scales ranging from small, distributed cogeneration to utility-scale power plants.  Brent holds a BS in Engineering Physics from RPI and an MS in Energy Policy from VA Tech.

2:30 to 3:30 pm

Course 8: "Cooling Tower Isolation", by Angela Waters

Abstract: The objectives of this webinar will include learning why Cooling Towers require Isolation and Restraint; How both older and newer Cooling Towers are supported by Dunnage Steel or Integral Miscellaneous Framing; the correct way to Provide Isolation for Structure Borne Noise created by Vibration; Isolation Efficiency and Performance; the correct way to provide Restraint of Cooling Towers; and consideration of Wind & Seismic Requirements per ASCE 7.

4:00 to 5:00 pm

Course 9: "Generator Rating and Emissions Basics", by Rumman Kabir

Abstract: Generator sets have ratings that are dictated by international standards. However, that can get confused with emission regulation in federal and local levels. In this presentation we look at how generator ratings and emission standards need to be looked at separately for an optimized and legal installation.

Biography: Rumman Kabir works as a Engineered Solutions Manager at Kohler. Electrical Engineer by Education, he has been working in power industry for more than 14 years. His career evolved from designing the controls system for Generators, ATS, Switchgear to product application support across Americas. For the last 6 years he has worked in the NE US states with MEP engineers and local distribution partners. He specializes in control systems, paralleling, codes/standards, design best practices etc. Rumman regularly speaks at engineering conferences and seminars on various technical topics.


180 Linden Oaks, Suite 100
Rochester, NY 14625

Administrative Director

Jessie Cocquyt

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