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  • RES CONTINUING EDUCATION SERIES - A Case Study in Major Construction - Highland Hospital Patient Tower - 2 PDH Credits

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RES CONTINUING EDUCATION SERIES - A Case Study in Major Construction - Highland Hospital Patient Tower - 2 PDH Credits

  • 24-Mar-2022
  • 1:20 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Virtual


  • The price of the Session is $20 (i.e. $10/pdh). 2 pdh credits will be awarded for PDH designated sessions.
  • Students can register for this event at no cost. However, they may not receive PDH credit for participating. Verification of student status may be required.

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Registration closes at NOON on MARCH 24, 2022!

2022 RES CONTINUING EDUCATION SERIES - A Case Study in Major Construction - Highland Hospital Patient Tower - 2 PDH'S ($10/PDH)

Highland Hospital has been serving Rochester’s Highland Park neighborhood for over 100 years. However, with changes in technology, healthcare codes, and current patient care treatments, Highland Hospital needed to build an addition to its already dense campus surrounded by historic homes and school. Using innovative Architectural, Civil and Structural design solutions, an eight-story patient tower is being built that allows Highland Hospital to continue its mission to provide high-quality patient care to the local community.


  1. 1:00 - 2:00 - Design and Structural Engineering Solutions to Building an Addition on Top of an Operational Surgical Suite at Highland Hospital (1 PDH)
  2. 2:30 - 3:30 - User Interface During Construction (non-credited presentation)
  3. 4:00 - 5:00 - Mechanical Engineering Challenges of Building a Five-Story Vertical Addition to Highland Hospital during the COVID-19 Pandemic (1 PDH) 

1. Design and Structural Engineering Solutions to Building an Addition on Top of an Operational Surgical Suite at Highland Hospital (1PDH)


This presentation will highlight design and engineering solutions that could be used by engineers on similar projects.


The objective of this session is to provide a general overview of the Highland Hospital Patient Tower Addition project with an emphasis on the architectural, civil and structural issues. Engineers will gain a better understanding of solutions to common building design challenges that could be applied to future projects.


Richard Wagner, AIA EDAC Principal Associate & Healthcare Architect, HOLT Architects

Rich has been with HOLT Architects since 2000 in the roles of Designer, Project Manager, Architect and Associate. Rich earned his Bachelor of Architecture degree from Syracuse University. Rich is a registered architect in New York State and holds an Evidence-Based Design Accreditation and Certification (EDAC) from The Center for Health Design. 

Chris Latreille, P.E. Principal, Ryan Biggs | Clark Davis

Chris manages many of the firm’s structural design projects in the educational, healthcare, and construction support markets. Chris earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, American Institute of Steel Construction, American Concrete Institute, and Chi Epsilon. He is active in the Central New York Chapter of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) and served as President for three years. 

2. Non-Continuing Education Session - User Interface During Construction


This is non-credited discussion on logistics and operational issues of constructing a large project within a limited footprint adjacent to an active residential neighborhood, all while keeping the hospital operational 24/7.


  Brenda Michaud, MBA, CHFM, 

  Director of Facilities Operations, 

  Highland Hospital

  Kevin Hoffman, 

  Regional Operations Manager

  LeChase Construction

   John Grande, Project Manager

   LeChase Construction

3. Mechanical Engineering Challenges of Building a Five-Story Vertical Addition to Highland Hospital during the COVID-19 Pandemic (1 PDH) 


This presentation will review designs for mechanical systems and highlight six design and engineering solutions that could be used by engineers on similar projects.  It will also cover how COVID-19 influenced the design of these systems. 


The objective of this session is to provide a general overview of the Highland Hospital Patient Tower Addition project with an emphasis on the Mechanical Systems and challenges. Engineers will gain a better understanding of solutions to common building design challenges that could be applied to future projects. These objectives include, for example, HVAC Redundancy, Expanding an existing Steam Plant, a new Emergency Generator Room, Innovative solutions to patient room Air Distribution, Relative Humidity levels and a Negative Pressure Patient floor for use during future. 


Nicholas Volker, P.E. Lead Mechanical Engineer, IBC Engineering, P.C.

Nick is the lead Mechanical Engineer for many of IBC’s Healthcare design projects and has been with the firm since 2014. Nick earned his Bachelor of Science from Clarkson University and minored in Sustainable Energy Systems. A licensed Mechanical Engineer in the state of New York, Nick is also a member of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).

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Registration is open to everyone. Everyone needs to sign up individually (you cannot add guests to your individual registration).

If you need to make any changes, have any questions or need help contact Lynne Irwin at res@frontiernet.net or therochesterengineer@gmail (or 585-254-2350 and she will return your call).


180 Linden Oaks, Suite 100
Rochester, NY 14625

Administrative Director

Jessie Cocquyt

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