Rochester Engineering Society
Board of Directors Meeting
Place: Multi-Purpose Room in the Planetarium (RMSC Campus), 657 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607
Time: 12:00 noon
Comment: RES Board Meetings are USUALLY scheduled for the 2nd Thursday of each month at noon. THIS MONTH WE CHANGED TO THE 3RD WEEK AND ON WEDNESDAY.
Reservations: A reservation is required by emailing Lynne Irwin at If you wish to partake of pizza, water, soda/pop for $5 a reservation is needed by noon the day before the meeting.
A zoom meeting is available for our meetings and will be sent to the board members and affiliates a couple days before this meeting.
180 Linden Oaks, Suite 100Rochester, NY 14625
Administrative Director
Jessie Cocquytres@frontiernet.net585-586-8030
Copyright © Rochester Engineering Society