Thursday, December 14
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Holiday Happy Hour
Place: St. Paul Proper, 187 St. Paul Street, Downtown Rochester
Time: 4:30 to 8:00 pm
Cost: $15 for students, $20 for Members, $30 for non-members includes: Appetizers, pizza & wings, door prizes, games and free giveaways. Please pre-pay online via PayPal or send a check in advance.
Reservations via Event Website or by emailing
Comments: Bring a new pair of winter gloves, hat or socks and receive a token for a free pint of beer, well drink, or glass of wine. Donations will go the local Veterans Outreach Center to keep our hero Vets warm! S.T.E.M. Toys will also be accepted and donated to the Pirate Toy Fund.
180 Linden Oaks, Suite 100Rochester, NY 14625
Administrative Director
Jessie Cocquytres@frontiernet.net585-586-8030
Copyright © Rochester Engineering Society