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Advanced Tutorial on MBSE Using Topcased

  • 27-Apr-2013
  • 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • RIT Gleason Bldg., Xerox Auditorium
Finger Lakes Chapter Meeting
Saturday, April 27, 2013, 9:00 am– 2:00pm www.incose.org/flc

Featured Presentation:
Advanced Tutorial on MBSE Using Topcased
Presented by: Dr. Peter Jackson

Topic: This presentation is an advanced tutorial on the use of the TOPCASED open source SysML tool for Model Based System Engineering (MBSE). This will be a follow on extension of the tutorial presented last year at this time by Dr. Jackson. If you did not attend the previous tutorial please feel free to participate in this session by installing the software ahead of time per the directions below.

Candidate Subtopics:
Demonstrate a new plug-in (created by Peter’s students) for generating documents easily.

Using libraries of formulas and units of measure.

Tutorial on Modelica.

Formalizing requirements modeling: what is standard information that should document a use case, for example.

Representing dynamic behavior using state machine diagrams combined with activity diagrams.

Demonstrate the process of writing plug-ins for eclipse and Topcased

Benefits of maintaining a link to requirements between an MBSE tool and DOORS.

Benefits of having the requirements in the MBSE tool.

About the Presenter: Peter Jackson is a Professor in the School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering. Born in Nipigon, Ontario, Canada, he received a B.A. in Economics with Mathematics in 1975 (University of Western Ontario), a M.Sc. in Statistics in 1978 (Stanford University), and a Ph.D. in Operations Research in 1980 (Stanford University). He has served at Cornell since 1980. He is Director of Graduate Studies for, and a former Director of, the Systems Engineering Program within the Cornell University College of Engineering.

Dr. Jackson is also active in educational curriculum development for systems engineering. He is the recipient of several awards for curriculum innovation in addition to numerous student-voted awards for teaching excellence. He is the author of an introductory textbook in systems engineering, Getting Design Right: A Systems Approach.

Location: RIT, Gleason Building, Xerox Auditorium map: http://osa.braveline.com/rosa/RIT_Map.pdf

Preparation: This tutorial is a continuation from last year’s tutorial on SYSML using TOPCASED. You will need your own laptop. For your maximum benefit please ensure that you have the TOPCASED software and additional scripts installed and running on your computer before the tutorial.

Instructions for installation can be found on the “Think SysML” website maintained by Peter Jackson at: http://www.thinksysml.org/Tutorials.html. Look for the link to “ThinkSysML Tutorials.pdf.”

Cost: $30.00 INCOSE members, $45.00 non-members
Pay at the door by cash or personal check payable to “Finger Lakes Chapter of INCOSE”
Morning refreshments and Lunch will be provided
Event details (this flyer) are available at http://www.incose.org/flc/events
PLEASE REGISTER at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/16B7VwBDq-Lja1UYVDHEZx6RkB6CH7H2je96Bi_75guk/viewform?pli=1
Any questions? Contact Geoff Bright (gbright@moog.com )


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